NEW Mesocycle

Starts monday, November 11th


Train for long term body recomposition with real time coach support at a price point that members describe as “unheard of for the value.”


I joined BTL one year ago and I can say at 52 years old, I have never felt or looked better! I am honestly shocked with the muscle definition I now have because of the programming. The education is unmatched.

 The science, the community and sustainability of the program has allowed me to step into my strongest, healthiest, happiest self. BTL will forever be the best dollars I invest in myself per month. 

SMART Training

Evidence based, periodized hypertrophy training designed for women who want to get strong and build muscle (from the gym OR from home.)

CLEAR Education

Weekly form reviews & access to a coach who cares. Trainings on what you should do and why you should do it.

WARM Community

The kind of support that gives you the warm fuzzies and keeps you coming back for more. 


You want to love your training, but sometimes it feels like...

The gym-timidation won’t let you get past the front door


You’re going through the motions and wish someone would explain *why*

When you have a question there’s no one there to help

Your training is becoming a part-time job, and you’re STILL not seeing the results you want

You need another part time job just to pay for a good program with great support

Whether you’re brand new to weightlifting or have been in this world for a while, BTL will provide the step by step system you need to successfully build muscle (with tons of support along the way) and educate you on the why behind it all.

You’ll feel more clear than ever on what’s actually essential in the gym and permission to leave behind what’s not. 

Let me introduce you to the
#TEAMBTL experience


Evidence backed weightlifting program 

Educational resource library right at your fingertips

Newbie Lifters Guide so you learn how to do it right the first time

Coach AND community who care, real-time support

No wasted reps and in the words of a member.. “I didn’t even know I could build muscle like this 😅”

Just $37/mo for what another member describes as.. “the best value for money out there”


HEY, I'm Ruth! 

Your weightlifting coach.

CPT, PN1, N1 Biomechanics & Program Design

I’ve loved to workout pretty much ever since I picked up a weight for the first time, but I fell in love with lifting when I discovered the evidence based world, left “working out” behind and actually started to train.

Built To Last is the culmination of years of continuing education, mentorship & hands on experience training clients and designing programs. It’s the program I WISH I had back at the beginning - and it’s the program I follow now, as an experienced trainee (yep, I train right alongside you!)

I understand this journey better than most. And coaching other women through it is one of my favorite things in the world. 


WHAT You Get 

🏋️‍♀️ 4 Gym & 4 Home Workouts Per Week

You can choose home, gym, or do a mix of both!

✍️ Periodized Hypertrophy Program

Written specifically for women’s unique needs & physique goals. Including sets, reps, rest, tempo, RPE, detailed program overviews, and more.

📱 Training App

Track your progress, log your weights & view exercise execution videos that BTL members describe as the 

📚Educational Resource Library

From app walkthroughs to FAQs to a Newbie Lifters Guide to an entire Education Portal with workshops and masterclasses on all things hypertrophy training & weightlifting, this area is updated frequently and is the “I like to know what I’m doing & why I’m doing it ” girlies dream hub.

👯‍♀️ Private App Community

Engaged, warm, active (and not on Facebook, lol)

I’m in this group regularly to answer questions and offer support. Interact with other members, participate in live Q&As, monthly giveaways, and more!



WHAT You'll Learn

How to stop wasting time in your training and adopt an essentialist approach

How to build muscle, and keep building it

How to execute movements safely and effectively

Quite literally anything else about lifting & hypertrophy training that your little heart desires (on your own timeline, at your own pace, in the community education portal that dreams are made of!)



My favorite part is how challenging the workouts are both physically and mentally. They push me in a way that I wouldn’t have gotten if I would have just found a random workout on the Internet. Overall, it’s just an amazing opportunity to stay active and to keep pushing yourself to be better. 


Ruth makes it easy to learn how to do moves that GET RESULTS! And she’s eager to help and all about educating us, which has been so great as I’m getting back into working out and being healthy! The accountability of being in a group of other women who share both their real struggles and real successes is refreshing and inspiring, as well as challenging me to push myself!


I love this program so much! Ruth is so genuine & cares about everyone’s success in the group! She is SO helpful! The workouts are structured and challenging but not so hard that you don’t even think you can start! I’m so thankful I signed up! It’s worth every penny in my opinion! 


I love that the workouts are progressive - the first week I wasn’t sure about some of the moves, but after a few weeks it all clicks! I’m increasing weights and feeling strong. I would definitely recommend it to others - especially those who can’t get to/afford a gym. These workouts are HARD and you can definitely see progress.


Built To Last has been amazing for me! I would 100% recommend this program to others. It is great for accountability and on the plus you have new friends! :)


I love the Built to Last program as it has greatly increased my confidence in working out at home and being able to see results even when I am not in the gym. I love the supportive group that we’re in, as I can hear from others about how their workouts are going and get really informative tips and tricks from Ruth. 


I love that Built to Last focuses on empowering one another. All of the women in this group are so kind, encouraging and REAL. Ruth’s videos attached to each workout move are also extremely helpful.


Weekly written programming is exactly what I needed and wanted at this point in my fitness journey. The community aspect has been so nice for accountability and encouragement. Finally, Ruth emphasizes the WHY and HOW across various topics which is so helpful and imperative for life-long wellness.


I recommend having 1-2 sets of light dumbbells (5-10 lbs), 1-2 sets of medium dumbbells (12-20 lbs) and 1-2 sets of heavier dumbbells (30-60 lbs) for home workouts. How much variety you need and exact weights will depend on your personal strength level. I recommend looking for dumbbells at Dicks Sporting Goods, Walmart, Amazon & Facebook Marketplace.

Incline benches can really help us manipulate resistance profiles when training from home and we use them a lot in the home workouts. This FLYBIRD BENCH is the one I have and while it’s nothing special quality wise, I love that it both inclines and declines plus it’s very affordable. (If you don't have an incline bench and don't want to get one right now, a sturdy elevated surface like a chair or coffee table can work if you're willing to get creative - but I would recommend getting an incline bench if you plan to do BTL from home long term.)

We frequently use long bands to simulate cable machines in the home training. I love & recommend this WHATAFIT SET from Amazon for its versatility and functionality, it comes with a door anchor & handles which is so nice. I also like these WODFITTERS BANDS and if you go this route I recommend getting at least 1-2 of the lightest resistance + 1 medium resistance, or even the whole pack. (If you already have long bands, whatever you have will work just fine. But if you’re buying, my top rec is the WHATAFIT set.)

Recommended (not required)

Especially if you are a more experienced lifter who has built significant strength, having a barbell and weight plates is going to highly elevate your home training and muscle building potential. If you’re just dipping your toe into weightlifting you can certainly get away with just dumbbells at first, but as you get stronger, a barbell will allow for more progression. A full squat rack is great, but even just a barbell and weight plates at first will allow you to do glute bridges & RDL variations which we do a lot. If you’re buying, look for an olympic barbell (7 ft long, 45 lbs) at places like Amazon, Rogue, Facebook Marketplace, etc. For weight plates I prefer bumpers, but if you’re using what you have or purchasing what you can find secondhand, metal plates are just fine as well.

PSA: I recommend these for home AND gym training girlies! These FIGHTECH STRAPS are my favorite for all kickback variations since they have the adjustable under foot strap and thick, stable ankle cuff. If you get the WHATAFIT band set, you’ll be able to attach these straps right to your bands with the carabiner. Aside from an actual cable machine this combo is the next best thing!  

You don’t *need* these (many members use weight plates or small dumbbells as heel wedges and they work just fine), but if you get them, you’ll use them a lot. These HARDERWILL FOAM WEDGES on Amazon are my top recommendation for a functional and more affordable wedge option (I love that the height is adjustable too!) Otherwise, if you’re wanting to invest, I have these PRIME WEDGES in the 20° angle and love them so much. They’re heavyyy and solid and will probably last my entire life ha!

MEMBER Progress


FREQUENTLY Asked Questions

“Meso” is an abbreviation of the word “mesocycle.” A mesocycle is a block of weeks where we are focused on the same workouts and exercises (minus any programmed progressions like tempo, sets, reps, etc) in order to progress and apply progressive overload.

In BTL, the majority of mesocycles are 4-6 weeks long. However, we do occasionally have a 2 week “microcycle” to deload from hypertrophy and prime for a future phase.

Majority of workouts are 45-60 minutes long. Occasionally, workouts will be as short as 35 minutes or as long as 70 minutes (it depends on the meso & phase of training we’re in), but 90% of the time they fall in that 45-60 minute range.

It depends. :) I intentionally choose split, exercises, rest, RPE, tempo etc. depending on the type of program I’m writing. One of the most frequent splits you’ll see is upper/lower/upper/lower, but it just depends on the meso. 

Yep. I recommend continuing to follow the workouts as they are laid out, no combining or skipping. Here’s how:
Wk 1: workout 1,2,3
Wk 2: workout 4,1,2
Wk 3: workout 3,4,1
Wk 4: workout 2,3,4

As you can see, within a 4 week mesocycle, you’ll get through all of the workouts an equal number of times - you’ll just get through them 3x instead of 4x. This is just fine and much better than skipping muscle groups or stressing out over how to combine workouts.

Yes, and many members do! Whether it’s someone who has a home gym with a pretty large variety of equipment and they need to combine the home & gym training, or someone who goes to the gym a couple days per week and trains from home the other days, we’ve got you covered and explain exactly how to tailor the program to your needs in the member resources.

Payments are automatic and recur each month on the day that you signed up. You may cancel at any time right in the TrainHeroic app.


Built to Last has been an amazing investment and working with Ruth has been an absolute dream! After just one month of joining the community, I can already feel myself becoming stronger physically and mentally. I love that I don’t need to spend time planning out my workouts each day, Ruth has already done the planning for me! I love this community of women that Ruth has built for us!


Not only does Ruth provide the programming, but she explains the WHY behind it. As someone who has a personal training certificate myself, I think this is extremely important while training someone. Additionally, she includes programming for BOTH the home and the gym. This makes working out extremely convenient for those with limited access to gym's because all of the programming can be done from home. 


This program has been so beneficial for me in so many ways! It's kept me motivated to work out consistently. I have seen great progress since joining the group! I can feel myself getting stronger, while dropping weight and feeling better overall!


join NOW

BUILT TO LAST is the exact type of programming I write for my 1:1 clients - but delivered in a beautiful, organized system at only a fragment of the price. 

The program itself is laid out in a way that educates without being overwhelming and includes tons of community accountability & coach support along the way. 

Are you ready to get strong & train with intention?

Must be 18 years or older to enroll. Billing recurs monthly and begins on the day that you sign up.

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